30% OFF
at 40+restaurants
in Singapore.

30% OFF
in Singapore.

Up to 20,000$ savings...

Singapore is the most expensive city in the world...
Not for Survival Chic Members.

  • Members generally make back Membership fee within 3-4 uses of the Card.

  • SC also makes a versatile gift for friend, partner, colleague, or client.

  • Join below with any major credit card; No need to have a Paypal account.

  • For payment by bank transfer or check, or with questions, please contact: i@survivalchic.com

  • SC complies with the Personal Data Protection Act.

  • Your personal information will be kept strictly confidential.

Become a Survival Chic (SC) Member

20,000$ in savings… for less than 1$/day

Dining Program
30% off
the table bill
at 40 Top Restaurants

Sign up in 2 min.